Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mad, Sad, and Glad Music

I've mentioned my love for music before, but I can't express it enough. I am constantly on the hunt for new tunes. If I am intrigued by a song in a T.V. show, movie trailer, etc., you can bet the second I get the chance to, I will be looking it up and most likely downloading it. When I listen to a song I like, I get lost in the rhythm and allow my my heart to fall completely in love with the lyrics. Music is food for my soul; I can practically taste the wonderful melodies and they are oh so delicious. Obsessed? Absolutely. Music is my anti-drug and I am completely and 100% addicted.

So, I am putting my infatuation to use. I'd like to suggest songs to listen to when you're happy, sad, or mad. These are by no means "classic" songs, but merely tunes on my current play list that I recently find myself going to depending on the mood.



I won't lie, I actually tear up while listening to this. There is something so beautifully mysterious about this song.


Happy listening! :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Thanks, Cind! I haven't heard most of those before (although that's not saying much seeing as how I live under a rock). I like them!