Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milk Chocolate Banana Bread

Time for some more food, right?

Ahh, banana bread.  Classic, tasty and always seasonal.  

I love banana bread and I've tried lots of different recipes.  Some healthy with whole wheat flour, some not so healthy and loaded with chocolate chips.  I've found quite a few that I like, but I always come back to the one I'm sharing with you today.  It was probably the first banana bread recipe I ever made.  My mom found it in a newspaper article, I think.  I wish I could site the source correctly, but we've used it for so long, that it's now just one of those standards in my family's household.

I think my sister might have come up with the name--Milk Chocolate Banana Bread.  Doesn't that just sound delish?  This is definitely not one of those "healthy" banana bread recipes.  But, come on, isn't all banana bread at least a little healthy?  That's what I tell myself when I eat half a loaf for breakfast.  

Milk Chocolate Banana Bread

3 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
4 ripe, mashed bananas
2 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 cup milk chocolate chips

Whisk eggs, oil, sugars, salt and bananas.  Combine flour and baking powder with fork in separate bowl.  Add flour mixture to egg mixture, along with chocolate chips.  Don't overmix.  Bake in an 8 x 4 loaf pan at 350 degrees for about an hour.  It should be a deep golden brown and a toothpick should come out clean.  My loaves usually take a little longer than an hour. 


Carly said...

Nice pic! Did you take it?
And that is also my very favorite banana bread!

Olivia said...

you are so right, banana bread is always in season! love that. I make a similar version of this but with semisweet chocolate. I'll have to try the milk chocolate chips next time! Thanks lindsay!

Lindsay said...

I did take it. It only took me like 10 tries.

debora said...

Its' been too long since I've made this banana bread. In two days my bananas will be in the perfect state of ripeness. Two loaves disappear around here in about an hour.

Becky said...

Mmmmmmmmm!! The only thing better than banana bread is banana bread with CHOCOLATE!

Kelli said...

Mmmm this is the best banana bread. And i'm pretty sure that old newspaper clipping is still around somewhere.

Cindy said...

YUM. One of my favorite things ever.