There are some weird fashion trends out there. Like the whole harem pants thing? Sorry, I am not going to wear something that is referred to as, "parachute pants". Thanks, but I'd rather NOT look like I'm skydiving. Then again, I guess you could say I'm not the most fashion forward girl. That would be my older sister, Kelli. So maybe I'm not one to be judging what's "in" or "out", but while browsing the web the other day, I came across a pair of pants that I'm almost positive no one in their right mind would think about wearing. Maybe I'm wrong. You be the judge.
Ahh, finally! One doesn't have to wear their bikini bottoms underneath their jeans anymore in order to achieve this totally awesome look. SCORE. ;)
Ha ha ha!! Oh my goodness, that is DISGUSTING.
Oh that is awkward.
Awkward that I own a pair of these pants.
No, no not really.
Really, though?? What the heck?
One word: Sexy.
And my word verification is suciest. Suckiest?
That's a wardrobe malfunction just waiting to happen. The belly-button piercing is QUITE attractive.
ok girls, time for a new post. Can't take too much more of these sassy jeans.
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