Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things I wish I could have

But can't.

1. A Minivan. That's right people. I want a minivan. I don't care if that screams, "I'M A MOM AND I AM TAKING MY KIDS TO SOCCER PRACTICE!" because let's face it, I am a mom and I most likely will be taking my kids to soccer practice one day. And while we are on the subject I really dislike these "stereotypes." You know, like the one that says short dudes who drive big trucks are trying to compensate for something. It's not a bad thing, it's just the truth. Straight up.

Before all the single ladies start dry heaving on me (figuratively, not literally please) I have to clarify that I don't want just any minivan. I want a Honda Odyssey. They are the most attractive looking in their class and I'm all about judging a book by its cover. It's a Honda and Honda's true cost of ownership is light years ahead of its competitors.

Minivans win the practicality award when you are towing youngin's around. They are spacious and comfortable and have AUTOMATIC (yes I'm yelling it because that feature is AWESOME!) sliding doors and you can fit a crap load of groceries in the back that you bought in bulk from Costco.

But alas the HO is not in our budget. Wait, that sentence sounds wrong.

Plan W2829 Modified - Illustration

2. A beautiful, large, open and airy home with surrounding forests of greenery in which you could inhale and feel like you are in the middle of the mountains. But it has to be in California, and close to my family and close to the beach and in a secluded but top notch neighborhood with the best schools.

That's it. Well, not really, but those are the major players. I wanted to keep this short because otherwise I'd sound like a greedy, covetous snot when in reality I couldn't even come up with a third item, at least not an item that was appropriate for this blog.

A girl can dream right?


Lindsay said...

Does such a house even exist?

I curse my poor CR-V every time I load the kids in the car. A minivan would be awfully nice, as dorky as they look.

Cindy said...

Yeah, I so wish I could have a minivan too. Those things are H-O-T-T. Haha, actually that one isn't too bad!

Kelli said...

Ha, that's funny. Just last night Kirk asked me,"What's the... mercedes of minivans again?" And I said, "What, the Honda Odyssey?" "Yeah that's the one". At least they have a good rep.

Good luck finding a house like that. Let me know when that happens.
And, what things do you want that are not appropriate for this blog? A healthy digestive system? (Solution: Activia!) Do I even want to know?

Lindsay said...

Kelli, I was wondering the same thing. Things that only Casey can provide???

Carly said..., nothing like that. I just meant things like, "I wish my sisters all lived next door to me." Kind of thing. I just didn't think that would really appeal to our masses.

Lindsay said...

Ahhh, I see. Thanks for thinking of our masses.

Cindy said...

Lindsay... gross.
Um, we have no masses.

Lindsay said...

Yeah, you know what, don't worry about our masses. Just write whatever the heck you want. I don't want to stifle anyone's creativity.

Carly said...

The word "masses" was getting to look really gross.