Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things I wish I could have

But can't.

1. A Minivan. That's right people. I want a minivan. I don't care if that screams, "I'M A MOM AND I AM TAKING MY KIDS TO SOCCER PRACTICE!" because let's face it, I am a mom and I most likely will be taking my kids to soccer practice one day. And while we are on the subject I really dislike these "stereotypes." You know, like the one that says short dudes who drive big trucks are trying to compensate for something. It's not a bad thing, it's just the truth. Straight up.

Before all the single ladies start dry heaving on me (figuratively, not literally please) I have to clarify that I don't want just any minivan. I want a Honda Odyssey. They are the most attractive looking in their class and I'm all about judging a book by its cover. It's a Honda and Honda's true cost of ownership is light years ahead of its competitors.

Minivans win the practicality award when you are towing youngin's around. They are spacious and comfortable and have AUTOMATIC (yes I'm yelling it because that feature is AWESOME!) sliding doors and you can fit a crap load of groceries in the back that you bought in bulk from Costco.

But alas the HO is not in our budget. Wait, that sentence sounds wrong.

Plan W2829 Modified - Illustration

2. A beautiful, large, open and airy home with surrounding forests of greenery in which you could inhale and feel like you are in the middle of the mountains. But it has to be in California, and close to my family and close to the beach and in a secluded but top notch neighborhood with the best schools.

That's it. Well, not really, but those are the major players. I wanted to keep this short because otherwise I'd sound like a greedy, covetous snot when in reality I couldn't even come up with a third item, at least not an item that was appropriate for this blog.

A girl can dream right?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I know what you're thinking. FINALLY, Lindsay gets a post up. I know, I know, this whole blog was my idea and I haven't even done anything yet. Well, here goes.

I read a lot of blogs. Too many. But there are a lot of good ones out there, both entertaining and informative. I thought I'd share a few that I think are particularly good, in no particular order:

I just recently discovered this one. The author blogs about simple, original and cheap ideas on everything momish, but what I particularly like is her Project 52. She and her husband have a goal to have a weekly date night. Their date night is every Friday, 9 to 10 pm, after her kids are in bed. Since they have to be at home and they have to save money, they have to come up with some clever ideas to keep things interesting.
A fun and sometimes funny blog about how to keep the romance alive. Some of her ideas are pretty cheesy but others are fun.

I love this one for GREAT ideas for things to do with the kiddos. She's also got lots of crafty stuff for all you crafty types (Kelli.)

Totally yummy recipes. I actually don't know if I've tried one her desserts--because if I did, I'd be eating the whole thing in a day. But I love to look at her recipes and drool. Plus, she's lives in SoCal, so she's gotta be cool. :)

You've probably seen this button on my blog. They have ideas on EVERYTHING related to women. And they have a new post every day. Sometimes, their Utah-ness rings through clear as a bell (you know what I mean, right?), but that's okay. We like Utah most of the time.

Good deals on all sorts of things. It was this site that directed me to the deal on my boys' Crocs.

I just found this one, too, but I'm really liking her recipes and the way she writes. And she lives in LA. So, again, she must be cool.

And that's just a handful of the blogs I read. I realize that most of them are best suited for married moms but what can I say, that's the life I live.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

things I'm looking forward to:

  1. finishing my rhetorical analysis (my least favorite type of writing because it is very tedious)
  2. being done with all three tests I have to take this week (pure torture)
  3. going to the Lakers vs. Jazz game tomorrow and wearing my Kobe Bryant jersey not only because he's my favorite player, but merely to tick people off. Oh, and pairing that with my new and beautiful pair of purple Vans.
  4. having one of my best friends come and visit me this weekend
  5. being reunited with all three of my sisters and my Mom next weekend! And lastly...
  6. Partying hard in Florida for spring break.

I'm so there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Alright, I'm just gonna say it. I was going to post an abbreviated version of my opinion on my facebook status but thought better of it because I'd rather not offend anyone. I'm becoming less and less a fan of these "doppelganger" pictures. True, I participated and offered up a picture of Kirsten Dunst in likeness to myself. Exhibit A:

But, I believe I have received this comparison enough times in my life by everyone for this picture to fit the true spirit of "doppelganger week" on facebook, where you post a photo of a celebrity that people have told you you look like, not that you hope you may look like. Dude, it looks like me, even I can admit it. However, may I argue that some people are being a tad generous with their supposed doppelgangers? I think so. This is not to say the actual individuals on facebook are ugly people, not at all. Many of them are attractive and everyone has their own beauty. But do I think you look like Megan Fox purely because you have dark, straight hair and green eyes? Sorry, no. When in fact I do see these unlikely comparisons, instead of thinking, oh yeah, that looks like her... most often I find myself thinking, well, I guess if I kind of squint really hard and maybe if I were wearing beer goggles.

I can understand and appreciate the "just for fun nature" that doppelganger week has taken on, and can play along as well as the next person. It's not that I'm bothered that these people would dare to think they look like a good-looking, although undoubtedly majorly photoshopped celebrity. But I have to chuckle a little bit (or sometimes a lot) to myself when I see some that are just so far off the radar. I mean, it's only fair, these people do offer up these comparisons of their own free choice for all of facebook world to see, right? If you're going to offer a celebrity that maybe/sorta looks like you, but in actuality points out that this celebrity is far better looking than you may ever be, you know what will happen, don't you? Public scrutiny will inevitably ensue, and that's obviously a gamble these people are willing to take.

So, to end my little rant, cheers to those with loads of self-confidence and who never assume the skeptical analysis of facebook friends like me. And Lindsay, I'll expect you to change your profile picture to Pamela Anderson, Carly to Gisele Bundchen, and Cindy to Heidi Klum.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My New Friends, Ernesto and Big Joe

Okay so funny story...

Yesterday before church I noticed that my car had a flat tire. My immediate thoughts--UGH. I hate, hate, HATE getting flat tires. They just extremely bug me and I feel like I get them a lot. So, at around 5:20 pm I call Triple A and a kind man named Ernesto comes and begins to change my tire to the spare, but wait, he doesn't have the right tools to do so. Triple A doesn't have the right tools to change a TIRE? Uh, okay. Anyway, so he's explaining to me how the rims on my car are "after market" and they need a special type of socket wrench to take them off. I'm like, okay? I have no idea what he is talking about. So Ernesto says,"Oh let me call Big Joe; I'm pretty sure he has the right wrench." So he calls "Big Joe" on his walkie-talkie and they just start chatting and making jokes and Ernesto will pause in between laughs and say to me, "Big Joe is such a kidder, I love this guy!" And I'm like, yeah gotta love Big Joe!! No, I'm really like, can you just change my freaking tire? So it turns out "Big Joe" will not be arriving on the scene for another 15 minutes. So this leaves me to make small talk with Ernesto for 15 minutes. I. Hate. Small talk. Especially with someone you don't know! So I ask Ernesto where the best places are to go get my tire looked at. He tells me, "Oh man, well I don't know because I just go to this place where only Latinos go! Because you know they will just do anything you want to your car no matter how dangerous or stupid it is!" He then proceeds to tell me about all of his souped-up cars (his words, not mine) that he has and how he put these special kind of tires on them so that he can slide around in the snow more. Why the H would someone want to do that? I don't know, it's weird. Finally, Big Joe arrives and yes, he was a rather large man. I'm practically jumping for joy because I just want this stinking spare put on so that I can go inside! Mind you, it is now about 6:45 pm and FREEZING. So Big Joe whips out his tools and bends over to check out the situation. Yeah, I got a pretty nice shot of Big Joe's crack. NICE. Big Joe tries about three different socket wrenches and then says: "Well I'm sorry little missy, but there is nothing we can do for ya. I don't think anyone has that small a wrench to take these puppies off" I'm just like, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! So they fill up my tire with air and then proceed to pack up all their useless crap and tell me that I have to buy this special socket wrench and an adapter in order to change my tire to the spare. It is now 7:30 pm and of course no place is going to be open at this time, especially on a Sunday, and there is no one around to take me to go buy this thingamabob. So, in the end everything was okay because when I went to check the tire the next morning, it still had air in it so I was able to drive it to Les Schwab. They fixed whatever the problem was and I never had to buy the flipping whatever they were telling me to buy. Anyway, I just found the whole situation very comical and hilarious that Triple A was unable to change a tire. Oh, and whenever I have called them in California to have the spare put on, there was none of this mumbo jumbo about not having the right tools. Whatever, boys!